Best Cricket Game For PC,Xbox,Ps4 ,Nintendo Switch


Cricket 19 is a cricket video game ( Best cricket games for pc ) developed by the company of Big Ant Studios. This is the update of Ashes cricket 2017. You can play this cricket game on many platforms.Cricket 19 was launched on 28 May 2019 on the first three platforms. These three platforms are PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One. And after a few weeks, it was launched on Steam to play on PCs and laptops.


Cricket 19 is the best cricket video game with mind blowing graphics. In playing cricket 19 video games, it seems as if the real player is playing cricket. So realistic. You can also play this game on 1920x1080 Resolution graphics.


Cricket 19 cannot play on mobile as this game is not made for mobile whether it is Android or iOS. You can't play this game on mobile


This game can also be played online and can be played offline. Meaning, you can play this game with your friend or you can play the game with any other player using online matching.
Similarly, you can also play this game offline and you will need 2 controllers to play this game offline with your friend.


This game has a lot of features. Because of which the fun of playing this game increases even more.In this cricket 19 you get to play every format of cricket like T20, ODI, TEST,
etc.In this, you also get the option of customization so that you can download and customize any team, player, bat, ball, stadium, trophy, etc.Also you can customize the format of the game. Like you can make the game 5 overs, 10 overs or any number of overs.In this, you can also cutomize the player's face, body, dress, cap, hair etc.

By creating any team, you can add any 11 players to it and you can keep any name of that team and you can play matches in any stadium or in that stadium you download.

How can you learn to play this game

This game is very easy to learn To learn this game you also get the facility of cricket net practice in which you can learn bowling, batting and fielding.So that you can play this game easily

In simple language, you get full control in the game, which increases the fun of playing this game


Cricket 19 video game price is different for different platforms


You can play this game mainly on four platforms. Which is PlayStation 4, Xbox One , PC and Nintendo

How to install in pc

To play this game on a PC or laptop, you will need to install a software in your PC or laptop. Whose name is Steam. You can download Steam from and install it on your PC or laptop

Steam is a place in which you get many games for your PC, some of which are free and some are paid.(Just as there is a Play Store and App Store for mobile, so is Steam for computers and laptops.)

After downloading Steam. The next step is to create an account on Steam which is very simple and free

Then find Cricket 19 and buy it. The price of this game on Steam is RS.959.

You can buy this game in any of the ways given in it.

As soon as you buy this game, this game will start downloading and after that it will be installed ... after which you can enjoy this game by playing this game.